Australia’s seafood industry is encouraging the community to support our fishers and our Great Australian Seafood as part of World Fisheries Day celebrations on Saturday, November 21.
“Australia’s seafood industry is responsibly managed, and produces some of the best seafood in the world,” Seafood Industry Australia (SIA) CEO Veronica Papacosta said.
“There’s no better way to celebrate World Fisheries Day than by tossing a few Great Australian Prawns on the barbie, a side of Tasmanian Atlantic Salmon in the oven, pan-searing some iconic Australian Barramundi, or voting for your favourite fish and chip retailer in the Great Australian Fish & Chip Awards which start today.
READ MORE: ‘Batter up’: The search begins for Australia’s Greatest Fish & Chips
“Right now, 70 percent of seafood eaten in Australia is imported and today as part of World Fisheries Day we’re calling on the community to support their Australian seafood industry, after an especially hard year, and ask for Aussie seafood whether it’s at their fishmonger, fish and chip shop, or the local Thai restaurant.
“Australia’s seafood industry is subject to some of the most intensive fisheries management and reporting protocols in the world. As an industry, accountability is incredibly important. Every Australian boat, catch and pot has to be logged and submitted to the relevant authority. As fishers, our priority is the ocean. It’s our livelihood, and the future livelihood of generations to come.
“We have wonderful fisheries management structures here in Australia and our Fisheries Managers let our fishers know what they can catch, where they can catch it, when and how they can catch it, and how many they’re allowed to catch each year. And most importantly, it’s working.
“Australia’s Commonwealth-managed fisheries are continually given the tick of sustainability. This is something our commercial fishers are very proud of, and is unprecedented internationally. The footprint of Australia’s trawlers is one of the smallest in the world. Coupled with our aquaculture sector – who provide fresh, high-quality seafood, year-round – Australian seafood is one of the best managed and most sustainable protein sources in the world.
“Australians can be confident that every time they buy Great Australian Seafood it is coming from well-managed, sustainable fisheries, which ensures that our fish stocks will be around for generations to come.”
For more information or to organise an interview with SIA CEO Veronica Papacosta
Please contact SIA Communications and Public Affairs Manager Jessica McInerney
e: or 0420 695 431