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‘Industry unites to rebuild export sector’: Australian seafood industry launches first whole-of-industry Export Market Strategic Plan

Seafood Industry Australia (SIA), the national peak-body representing the Australian seafood industry, has released the Australian Seafood Industry’s first whole-of-industry Export Market Strategic Plan as part of industry’s biennial conference, Seafood Directions, which runs in Brisbane from September 13-15. 

“This is the first export-focused strategic plan developed by the entire Australian seafood industry including our producers, businesses and exporters. This plan has a focus on unity and growth, and reflects the important role our export sector plays in the Australian seafood industry, the $1.4 billion contribution we make to the national economy, and future-proofing the supply of sustainable and nutritious Australian seafood to the world’s growing population,” SIA CEO Veronica Papacosta said. 

“The Australian seafood industry was the first and worst hit when the COVID-19 pandemic struck. Our seafood exports stopped virtually overnight, and the impacts were confounded by growing international trade tensions. We needed to pivot, and we needed to pivot fast. Crisis brought opportunity, and the Australian seafood industry united our actions in the international trade landscape to develop this plan which we are proud to launch as part of the national Seafood Directions conference. 

“In supporting the development of this plan we consulted widely, utilising a series of interviews and a review of existing data and reports. Through this process we captured five key, strategic priorities which were common amongst all stakeholders, and their actions which will be essential to achieving the plan’s key targets.

“The overarching goal of the plan is to grow Australian seafood exports to $2b by 2030. To achieve this, we will: increase the volume we export, get more for our products through premium pricing, strengthen our existing markets and expand into new markets, increase the capabilities and number of exporting businesses, and communicate and grow the presence of ‘Brand Australia’ and ‘Great Australian Seafood’ internationally. 

“We have focused our strategic activities around three country tiers. Our tier one countries are countries where trade is currently open, the competitors are low and there is high-growth potential. Think countries like Japan, Vietnam and South Korea. 

“Tier two countries are ones where trade is open, but the market is more competitive or could be impacted by other barriers. These markets may have been strong in the past and the ability to be again in the future, or with strategic positioning could be strong trading partners. Places like China, the UK and the USA. Tier three includes countries like India, where we have an interim free trade agreement in place, a growing middle and upper class, and could be a strong trading partner for Australian seafood in the future. 

“We’d also like to acknowledge the hard work of the Seafood Trade Advisory Group (STAG), SafeFish, the Seafood Export Consultative Committee (SECC), the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC) and Austrade. Australia’s clean, safe, sustainable and pristine seafood has one of the most outstanding reputations in the world, a reputation we would not have without the tireless work of those in this space for decades gone.”


The Export Market Strategic Plan is supported by the Australian Government through the Department of Agriculture, Water and Environment’s Agricultural Trade and the Market Access Cooperation (ATMAC) Program.

For more information or to organise an interview with SIA CEO Veronica Papacosta please contact 

SIA Communications and Public Affairs Manager Jessica McInerney

E: M: 0420 695 431