Darwin Convention Centre, Northern Territory, Australia
May 29 – June 1, 2023
WORLD Aquaculture 2023 (WA2023) will attract thousands of international attendees for a four-day
conference featuring industry speakers, showcasing innovative research, workshops, tours and
Australia will host the annual World Aquaculture 2023 (WA2023) from 29 May to 1 June 2023 at the
Darwin Convention Centre. This is the first World Aquaculture conference to be hosted by Australia
since 2014.
With a value of USD 263.6 billion, world aquaculture production reached 114.5 million tonnes in
Darwin is the ideal location for WA2023, in close proximity to the expanding Australian industry, and
to around 89 percent of the world’s aquaculture from major production regions in Asia.
With the Australian government recently recognising the need to support a strong future for
Australian aquaculture, WA2023 is a timely event to bring international and national industry
representatives, scientists, sector analysts, government officials, educators, and policy makers to
present, exchange ideas and progress sustainable industry development.
Seafood Industry Australia (SIA), the Australian peak-body representing the commercial seafood
industry, said they are excited to be hosting the event.
“We are thrilled to welcome the World Aquaculture 2023 conference to Australia,” SIA CEO Veronica
Papacosta said.
“Australia’s aquaculture sector has maintained steady growth over the last few years, with the
sector’s GVP growing 10 per cent in 2019−20. This growth can be largely attributed to Tasmania’s
growing Atlantic Salmon industry, which is now worth 35 per cent of national fisheries and
aquaculture GVP.
“Aquaculture is an integral food production sector and plays a key role in securing international food
security, a role which is forecast to grow in years to come. Australia’s aquaculture sector has a bright
future as it continues to set international benchmarks by providing fresh, high-quality, sustainable
seafood year-round, while meeting and exceeding regulatory requirements.
“We look forward to hosting national and international delegates in Darwin, and for them to
experience our great Australian seafood first-hand.”
Tourism Australia Managing Director Phillipa Harrison said Tourism Australia is excited to be supporting the World Aquaculture Conference 2023 in Darwin through its Business Events Bid Fund Program.
“We congratulate the Northern Territory on its successful bid to host this conference, which has the
potential to deliver significant benefits,” Ms Harrison said.
“Attracting events, like this, is helping to generate global attention for Australia’s world-class
business events offering whilst also delivering short and long term benefits to our tourism industry and economy more broadly.”
Australia’s aquaculture production value increased by 10% in 2019-20, to AUD$1.6 billion, and
employed 7,000 people, with key sectors including salmonids, tuna, prawns, oysters, barramundi
and pearls, and many other species.
SIA communications and public affairs manager Jessica McInerney M: 0420 695 431 or E: jessica@463.9af.myftpupload.com
Assoc Prof Jennifer Blair – WA23 Conference Chair, President WAS – mob. 0408 394 437; email
Additional Information
FAO. 2020. The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2020. Sustainability in action. Rome.
ABARES. 2021. Australian fisheries and aquaculture production 2020.
For more information on this event www.was.org or contact apcsec@was.org