NFI: Australian Government Report Titled “Don’t Mince Words” Targets Plant-Based Labeling

March 14, 2022 — Boston, MA — The Australian Senate Committee with oversight of fisheries and agriculture issues has released a report, titled "Don't mince words," in which it recommends the development of…

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‘On the right track’: Australia’s seafood industry bounces back to 20 year high

Seafood Industry Australia (SIA), the national peak-body representing Australia’s commercial fishing industry, has welcomed the release of the ABARES Australian Fisheries and Aquaculture Outlook 2022, released today, which shows the…

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‘Don’t mince words’: Australian seafood industry commends Senate inquiry report into faux-meat labelling

Seafood Industry Australia (SIA) has welcomed the release of the Australian Government’s Senate Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee inquiry into “Definitions of meat and other animal products”…

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‘A period of growth and opportunity’: Australian seafood industry welcomes UK-Australia free trade agreement

Seafood Industry Australia (SIA), the national peak-body representing Australia’s commercial seafood industry, has welcomed the announcement of the Australia-UK free trade agreement as the industry works to diversify their markets. …

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‘One voice, one future’: Brisbane to host peak Australian seafood industry conference in 2022

Seafood Industry Australia (SIA), the national peak-body representing Australia’s commercial fishing industry, along with Tourism Events Queensland and the Brisbane Economic Development Agency have announced the industry’s peak biennial conference,…

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